Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 4 . . . already?

Wow!  I cannot believe we are beginning the fourth week of school.  It has been almost an entire month people!  Things are moving along wonderfully and today was an amazing day.  My aide and I just looked at each other and were in awe of the quiet workers and hub of activity in the classroom.

The kiddos are doing a great job with procedures and are helping me keep on task with our day.  I thought this might be a good time to walk you through each bit of our schedule and share some of what we do.  I am going to share a bit each day. . . so I hope you will come back throughout the week and check in.

And so the bell rings!

Each morning we begin by lining up outside and getting our marshmallow mouths and marshmallow toes ready to come in the door.   (I found this on some one's Blog, but can't remember who.  If it is you, please let me know and I will give you credit!)  We talk about how marshmallows are soft and very quiet!  We chant:

Marshmallow mouths,
Marshmallow toes,
Into the classroom
 (or wherever else we might be going)
That's how it goes!

It is very effective and the kids often remind me we need to use our "marshmallow mouths".  We use it as a transition whenever we are getting ready to move to a new space.

After entering the classroom we review our schedule for the day.

It is helpful for keeping me on task and helps the kiddos to develop a concept of time.  While I know many teacher post their schedule but never refer to it, we look at it regularly.  As Dennis Parker says, "Burn a calorie!"  I move to that schedule every time we finish a part and flip the card.  It is a great visual for those kids who need to know "How much longer till recess?"  I know I need to work on the "cuteness" factor. . . in due time!
After reviewing our schedule for the day, we recite our rules and then say the Pledge of Allegiance.  I never realized until this year, Kindergartners don't really know this!  No worries. . . a lesson is in the works!
And then on to the Morning Message.  This deserves a post of it's own, so I hope you'll check in with me later this week.
Mrs. M

1 comment:

  1. I love marshmallow mouths and toes!

    We always make a chart with interactive writing to help us understand all of the big words in the Pledge.

    Your schedule cards look great. =)

    I am a new follower to your blog. I would love for you to come and visit me. I recently shared a Halloween math *freebie* and I am about to share some great *freebies* for Stretchy Snake. =)

    Heather's Heart
